Delivering Innovations in TB Therapy
The LIFT-TB initiative seeks to save the lives and livelihoods of people with tuberculosis (TB), their families, and their communities by broadening and accelerating the adoption and scale up of novel drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) treatment regimens and reducing the burden on health systems in seven countries. LIFT-TB primarily operates in Southeast and Central Asia.
LIFT-TB Updates

The PeerLINC Knowledge Hub facilitates peer-to-peer information and experience sharing to help faster TB cures reach people around the world more quickly

Through operational research and continued engagement, LIFT-TB has helped build local capacity and is accelerating programmatic scale-up in seven countries with high burdens of TB

Raise Your Voice in Support of Six-Month Drug Resistant TB Cures For All!
Simple, safe, effective, and faster cures for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) available through LIFT-TB are endorsed by the World Health Organization. Fast Track the Cure brings communities around the world together to raise our voices to tell world leaders that six-month DR-TB cures must be widely adopted and available to all who need them. Join us and raise your voice for #6MonthsMax today!
Ensuring Global Access to BPaL
LIFT-TB is a key component of TB Alliance’s efforts to ensure that the BPaL regimen is accessible to all who need it. There are multiple pathways to access including regulatory approvals, a named patient access program, availability through the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility, and operational research programs including LIFT-TB.
As of December 2024, pretomanid for use in the BPaL regimen has been:
Approved by 34 regulatory authorities, including the U.S. FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
WHO pre-qualified
Endorsed in WHO treatment guidelines for programmatic use in treating almost all forms of DR-TB
Administered through operational research programs in 14 countries
Available globally through Viatris’ Named Patient Access Program to patients in advance of national regulatory approvals
Listed in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility to ensure availability in 150 low- and middle-income counties
Procured by 87 countries
Visit for more information on pathways to access BPaL
LIFT-TB Voices
LIFT-TB operates in seven countries across Southeast and Central Asia.
Country Partners
LIFT-TB operates with support from: