Results and Impact of LIFT-TB Operational Research

Through LIFT-TB, TB Alliance performed operational research in seven countries in Southeast and Central Asia. This research helped supplement the global evidence base supporting the uptake and World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation of the BPaL/M regimen for treating drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), as well as build capacity where research was conducted. Interim data from LIFT-TB operational research found a cumulative success rate of 90.8% when treating DR-TB with these new regimens across multiple countries. All LIFT-TB countries are now working to implement these therapies nationally. Further, LIFT-TB has established the PeerLINC Knowledge Hub, which allows early adopter countries that participated in LIFT-TB operational research to leverage their learnings to assist additional countries in developing their own national implementation plans through a peer-to-peer learning model.

Programmatic Uptake Milestones

  • scale-up plans

    7 of 7 Countries

    established scale-up plans confirmed by National Tuberculosis Programs

  • placed orders

    7 of 7 Countries

    placed orders to procure pretomanid

  • programmatic use

    7 of 7 Countries

    implementing BPaL in programmatic use, partially or nationally

  • Patients Treated

    7 of 7 Countries

    updated national TB treatment guidelines

Operational Research Milestones

  • Regulatory Submissions

    7 of 7 Countries

    completed regulatory submissions

  • Philippines, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan

    achieved regulatory approval of pretomanid

  • Operational Research Programs


    success rate for people with DR-TB treated in LIFT-TB program

  • Patients Treated

    7 of 7 Countries

    have completed enrollment of operational research studies

Capacity Building Milestones

  • 1,244 Health Professionals

    trained in LIFT-TB countries

  • 7 of 7 Countries

    performed clinical training

  • 6 of 6 Countries

    performed data management training

  • 7 of 7 Countries

    developed training materials

Country Dashboards

LIFT-TB partners are ensuring that patients with highly drug-resistant TB have access to short, simplified therapy. In doing so, they are also building capacity to respond to the disease at a health system level. These dashboards provide an overview of where each country stands.

Updated August 2024

  • Indonesia


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 4

    Patients enrolled: 87

    Target enrollment: 100

    Health professionals trained: 414

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 1794

  • Kyrgyzstan


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 25

    Patients enrolled: 50

    Target enrollment: 50

    Health professionals trained: 191

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 139

  • Myanmar


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 11

    Patients enrolled: 100

    Target enrollment: 100

    Health professionals trained: 108

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 866

  • Philippines


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 6

    Patients enrolled: 99

    Target enrollment: 99

    Health professionals trained: 333

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 74

  • Ukraine


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 8

    Patients enrolled: 153

    Target enrollment: 135

    Health professionals trained: data not available

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 1411

  • Uzbekistan


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 14

    Patients enrolled: 43

    Target enrollment: 50

    Health professionals trained: 110

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 66

  • Vietnam


    Global rank in DR-TB burden: 9

    Patients enrolled: 40

    Target enrollment: 100

    Health professionals trained: 88

    Regulatory submission for pretomanid: Yes

    Regulatory approval of pretomanid: Yes

    Training materials developed: Yes

    Clinical training performed: Yes

    Data management training performed: Yes

    Completed enrollment in operational research: Yes

    National scale-up plan: Yes

    Pretomanid ordered: Yes

    Programmatic use underway: Yes

    National treatment guidelines updated: Yes

    Cases treated with BP-based regimens after programmatic implementation: 322